PTB, the national metrology institute of Germany, provides scientific and technical services. PTB´s International Cooperation group supports developing and emerging countries in creating and implementing internationally recognized Quality Infrastructure that has been tailored to suit each country’s needs.

In 2017 and 2019 our team was assigned by PTB to conduct studies in Latin America and Sub Saharan Africa on the services required by the Quality Infrastructure (measurement, testing, standardization, certification and accreditation) to contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation.



The study in Africa was conducted in cooperation with Adelphi Consult. It defined the services required in the areas of renewable energy, energy efficiency, health and agriculture. Funding options were identified, as well asopportunities for project implementation for selected Sub Saharan Countries.

The studies enabled PTB to focus its cooperation with Quality Infrastructure organizations in Latin America and Sub Saharan Africa on the new services required in times of climate change.

Links to the studies:
Quality Infrastructure and Climate Change in Latin America and the Caribbean
Quality Infrastructure for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change- Potentials, opportunities and chances in Sub-Saharan